P a g e
GXP17xx Administration Guide
UAS Specify
As a Callee, select UAC to use caller or proxy server as the refresher, or select
UAS to use the phone as the refresher. The default setting is
The Session Timer can be refreshed using the INVITE method or the UPDATE
method. Select
“Yes” to use the INVITE method to refresh the session timer.
The default setting is
Account x
SIP Settings
Security Settings
Check Domain
Choose whether the domain certificates will be checked or not when TLS/TCP
is used for SIP Transport. The default setting is
Validate Certificate
Validate certification chain when TCP/TLS is configured. The default setting is
Validate Incoming
Choose whether the incoming messages will be validated or not. The default
setting is
Check SIP User ID
for incoming INVITE
If set to “Yes”, SIP User ID will be checked in the Request URI of the incoming
INVITE. If it doesn’t match the phone’s SIP User ID, the call will be rejected.
The default setting is “No”.
Accept Incoming
SIP from Proxy Only
When set to “Yes”, the SIP address of the Request URL in the incoming SIP
message will be checked. If it doesn’t match the SIP server address of the
account, the call will be rejected. The default setting is “No”.
Incoming INVITE
If set to “Yes”, the phone will challenge the incoming INVITE for authentication
with SIP 401 Unauthorized response. Default setting is “No”.
Account x
Audio Settings
Preferred Vocoder
Multiple vocoder types are supported on the phone, the vocoders in the list is a
higher preference. Users can configure vocoders in a preference list that is
included with the same preference order in SDP message.
Use First Matching
Vocoder in 200OK
When it is set to
“Yes”, the device will use the first matching vocoder in the
received 200OK SDP as the codec.
The default setting is “No”.
Hide Vocoder
Permits to hide vocoder information on call screen. Default setting is “No”.
Disable Multiple m
line in SDP
When it is set to
“No”, the device will reply with multiple m lines, Otherwise, it
will reply 1 m line.
The default setting is “No”.
Enable SRTP mode based on your selection from the drop-down menu. The
default setting is “Disabled”.
Crypto Life Time
Enable or disable the crypto life time when using SRTP. If users set to disable
this option, phone does not add the crypto life time to SRTP header. The default
setting is “Yes”.
Symmetric RTP
Defines whether symmetric RTP is supported or not. The default setting is
Controls the silence suppression/VAD feature of the audio codec G.729. If set
to “Yes”, when silence is detected, a small quantity of VAD packets (instead of