P a g e
GXP17xx Administration Guide
Configure the BroadWorks Xsi server URI. If the server uses HTTPS,
please add the header “HTTPS” ahead of the Server URI.
For instance, “https://SERVER_URI”.
Configure the BroadWorks Xsi server port. The default port is 80. If the
server uses HTTPS, please configure 443.
XSI Authentication Type
Select the authentication type to use to authenticate against the Broadsoft
User can choose the
Login credentials, SIP Credentials
or use the
to authenticate.
Login Username
Configure the Username for the BroadWorks XSI feature.
Login Password
Configure the password for the BroadWorks XSI feature.
SIP User Name
Configure SIP Username for the BroadWorks XSI server.
Configure SIP User ID for the BroadWorks XSI server.
SIP Password
Configure SIP Password for the BroadWorks XSI server.
Network Directories
Enable/Disable Broadsoft Network directories and defines the directory name. The
directory types are:
Group Directory
Enable/Disable and rename the BroadWorks XSI Group Directory
features on the phone. If keep the Name box blank, the phone will use the
default name “Group” for it.
Enterprise Directory
Enable/Disable and rename the BroadWorks XSI Enterprise Directory
features on the phone. If keep the Name box blank, the phone will use the
default name “Enterprise” for it.
Group Common
Enable/Disable and rename the BroadWorks XSI Group Common
Directory features on the phone. If keep the Name box blank, the phone
will use
the default name “Group Common” for it.
Enterprise Common
Enable/Disable and rename the BroadWorks XSI Enterprise Common
Directory features on the phone. If keep the Name box blank, the phone
will use the default name “Enterprise Common” for it.
Personal Directory