Personal bioreactor RTS-1 & RTS-1C
Edition 3.-4.03
– July 2017
Operating instructions
Page 9
7. Recommended methods for microorganism cultivation
Facultative anaerobe Escherichia Coli:
2000 rpm (vessel spinning speed),
1 s
(Reverse Spin Frequency, RSF),
37° C (socket temperature),
10-20 ml (sample volume in testing vessel),
10 min., but not less (Measurement Frequency,
Thermophilic aerobe Thermophilus sp.:
2000 rpm,
1 s
70° C
15 ml
10 min MF
Evaporation rate at 70°C = 5 ml / 24 h (please adjust Volume parameter accordingly for measurement system to work correctly)
Aerotolerant anaerobe L. acidophilus:
0 rpm,
0 s
37° C,
30 ml,
10 min MF
It is possible for the end-user to contact the manufacturer for advising or suggesting a required microorganism or strain to be
tested. Please contact the R&D department.
8. Creating personal settings for cultivation of microorganisms.
Temperature distribution specifics (psychrophiles, mesophiles, thermophiles).
The optimal growth temperatures of microorganisms are divided in three principal groups (see fig. 4):
Psychrophiles (
– obligate (
) and facultative (
Mesophiles (
Thermophiles (
– thermotolerant (
), facultative (
), obligate (
) and extremophile (
Thick line mark represents optimal growth temperature.
Figure 4. Temperature boarders and optimal growth zones of prokaryotes and their classification.
8.1.1. For psychrophiles, that are cultivated at temperatures of
15°C +-2°C below ambient the device must be installed in a cold room
or a refrigerated chamber. Despite the active cooling of the device, the actual temperature of the reactor will always differ from
the actual temperature of the sample because of its rota
tion and will be higher (at low temperatures below 10 ° C).
8.1.2. For mesophilic microorganisms, the device can be situated at room temperature.
8.1.3. For thermophilic microorganisms, the device can be situated at room temperature.
Cell growth depending on rotation intensity
It is known that aeration affects the growth and growth rate of aerobic microorganisms. The reverse spin frequency affects the
rate of oxygen uptake in the bioreactor. Results obtained indicate that the maximum rate of cell division is detected at a frequency
of 1 Reverse Spin per second (1 s
) at a speed of 2000 rpm. The increase of pause between reverse spins reduces cell growth
rate, reaching 50% of the maximum value, when RS frequency is 30 s
(see fig. 5. and fig. 6.).