Ths secton descrbes how to set the nterface.
The plotter has USB and RS-232C nterfaces, and these nterfaces are swtched automatcally.
USB Interface
To use the USB nterface, a drver software must be nstalled n the computer. Please the SETUP MANUAL to
nstall the drver software.
Please the Setup Manual to nstall the plotter drver.
For the plotter side, please perform command settings*, step size settings (when using GP-GL commands), and
orgn pont settngs for HP-GL (when usng HP-GL commands).
* They cannot be set n Smple menu. Set them n Normal menu.
Operaton cannot be guaranteed n the followng cases:
When the plotter s connected to a USB hub or extenson port.
When the plotter is connected to a hand-built or modified computer.
When a drver software other than the one provded as a standard accessory s used.
Do not perform the followngs:
Do not connect or dsconnect the USB cable whle nstallng the USB drver software on the computer.
Do not connect or disconnect the USB cable when the computer or the plotter is performing an initialization routine.
Do not dsconnect the USB cable wthn a 5-second perod of connectng t.
Do not connect multple plotters to a sngle computer usng the USB nterface.
RS-232C Interface
When using the RS-232C interface, set the command settings, step size settings (when using GP-GL
commands), orgn pont settngs for HP-GL (when usng HP-GL commands), and transfer condtons for the RS-
232C nterface. The transfer condtons for the RS-232C nterface can be set from the operatons panel. The
transfer condton should be set to the same n the software used and n the CE6000-120AP. If there s a mstake
n the settngs an error may dsplayed n the machne and lack of data can cause a malfuncton. In such a case,
please confirm the data transfer settings again.
Settng Orgn Pont When HP-GL s set
Connectng wth RS-232C
Settng the Command (COMMAND)
Setting the Step Size (GP-GL STEP SIZE)
Interface Setting Menu
Settng of the nterface condton s only necessary when the plotter s connected usng RS- 232C cables.
It s not necessary when the plotter s connected usng the USB cable.
Connectng wth RS-232C
Setting Interface