USB interface connector
........Used to connect the plotter to the computer wth a USB nterface cable.
RS-232C interface connector
..Used to connect the plotter to the computer wth a RS-232C nterface cable.
Media stopper
..........................Stops the stock shaft from rotatng when the paper (meda) s beng set-up.
Use when pullng the (meda) straght out.
Stock shaft
...............................A roller that takes n roll meda.
Media flange
............................Fxes the paper roll (meda) n place as per settngs.
Media guide
.............................Gudes the paper (meda) durng the plottng/cuttng process.
Rear View
Meda stocker
Meda gude bar
Power swtch
AC lne nlet
Power switch
...........................Used to turn the plotter on and off.
AC line inlet
..............................Inlet where the power cable s connected.
Media stocker
..........................The stock to set roll meda n.
........................................A stand to put the machne on.
......................................The seat that holds the blank paper.
Media guide bar
.......................Shaft that used to set the roll meda.