After Turning on the Plotter
Durng the course of turnng on the plotter, be sure to observe the followng precautons. The tool carrage
and loaded meda may suddenly move durng the cuttng operaton, mmedately afterward and when settng
the plotter's functons. Keep hands, har, clothng and other objects out of the vcnty of the tool carrage, grt
rollers and loaded meda. To prevent operator njury and poor cuttng results, be careful not to allow hands,
har, clothng or other foregn objects to become entangled wth the tool carrage or loaded meda whle the
plotter s operatng.
Durng a plottng or cuttng operaton, do not touch the gears, rollers, or other movng parts.
Please be careful not to get your fingers pinched or stuck on the gears, rollers, or other moving parts when
loadng the medum.
Machine Caution Label
The machne's Cauton Label s located on the top cover. Be sure to observe all the cautons on the label.
About the words and phrases in this text
• In ths nstructon manual, the word "plot" refers to operatng the machne and usng ether the plottng pen
or the cutter pen to cut.
• In ths nstructon manual, the word "meda" refers to paper, roll, or sheet meda.