Driver Software
Driver Software
The driver software (OPS680) is for use with the Windows DLC1000 driver.
By using this driver software, it will be possible to use the DLC1000 with Windows and to create labels with
software that runs on Windows.
This machine (DLC1000) can output the only media (such as being printed by the Graphtec DLP1000) that
When cutting the media that is output from the DLP1000, we strongly recommend that the media is cut by using
the cutter output function of DLP1000.
This driver software can be run on Windows Vista/7/8/8.1.
When using this driver software, please understand that it may not comply with functions in Windows based on
the functional limitations of this machine. In addition, display screens from Windows 7 will be used to explain the
Display screen varies depending on respective application software.
When “bitmap print” appears in the Display screen, un-check the check box.
When using software that can set the color mode, set to RGB color.