Prepare for upgrade
Before upgrading, do the following:
Procure the software installation files for this release via the appropriate distibution
method, such as download, CD-ROM, network drive, or external drive.
Start up the devices you are upgrading, if they are not already started.
Stop all media access on the devices you are upgrading.
Shut down all applications on the devices you are upgrading.
Prepare SiteConfig for software deployment
Do the following to prepare SiteConfig for the software upgrade.
1. Make the following files accessible to the SiteConfig control point PC:
Aurora Playout software installation (
) file
PCmonitoring software installation (
) file
2. If a newer version of SiteConfig is available for upgrade and you have not yet
upgraded SiteConfig, do the following:
a) From Windows Add/Remove programs, uninstall the current version of
SiteConfig from the control point PC.
b) Install the new version of SiteConfig on the control point PC.
3. If not already present in the SiteConfig system description, configure deployment
groups as follows:
A deployment group that contains your Aurora Playout devices.
Install prerequisite files on the control point PC
Some software components, such as those for Aurora products, share common
prerequisite software. You must install a prerequisite software package on the control
point PC to make the prerequisite software available for software deployment to
1. Check release notes for the required version of prerequisite files, if any.
2. On the SiteConfig control point PC, open Windows Add/Remove programs and
look for
Grass Valley Prerequisite Files
, then proceed as follows:
If the required version of prerequisite files is installed, do not proceed with this
If prerequisite files are not installed or are not at the required version, proceed
with this task.
3. Procure the required prerequisite software installation file. The file name is
Prerequisite Files.msi
Aurora Playout Version 7.1.0 Release Notes and Upgrade Instructions
18 October 2010
Upgrading Aurora Playout systems