Operator's Manual - LDK 5000
Operating the Menu System
Menu Structure
Access to the functions on these menus is determined by the
user level that has been set. The menus are as follows:
Main (top) menu
The top menu gives access to the other menus.
VF menu
This menu contains the functions which determine how items
in the viewfinder are displayed.
Lens menu
The functions contained under this menu control various
aspects of the lens.
Video menu
The video menu contains those functions which affect the
picture quality.
Install menu
This menu contains the functions that are used to set up the
general configuration of the camera. It also contains controls
to customize those switches that are directly operated on the
Files menu
This menu allows values to be stored in scene and operator
files, and allows these files to be recalled as required.
Security menu
The security menu is used by the camera owner to set user
levels and to control access to the camera, or to store the
customer (scene and operator) default files.
Diagnostic menu
The diagnostic menu is designed to provide information on
the current status of the camera.
Service menu
The advanced service menu is available to service engineers
for carrying out adjustments and calibrations to the camera
(see Technical Manual).
Making changes
To find out where you have to go to change a function, consult
the appendix to discover under which menu group or sub-
group the function you want to change is located.
If the cursor points to an item (and there are no double arrows
to indicate a sub-menu) then the item pointed to has a value.
The value can be:
a toggle value (only two values)
a list value (more than two values)
an analogue value (variable from 00 to 99)
or unavailable (---).
If the value is unavailable it cannot be changed. This is
indicated by three dashes (---). This can occur, for example,
when a function is switched off. The analogue values
associated with that function are then unavailable.
If there are only two values associated with the function, then
pressing the Select button toggles between these two values.
If a value is displayed next to a function that is one of several
possible values, then pressing the Select button places the
cursor in a list menu indicating the value currently selected.
Use the Rotary control to point to a new value. Press the
Select button to return the cursor to the function list.
If an analogue value is displayed next to a function name, then
pressing the Select button places the cursor in front of the
value and the Rotary control is used to change the analogue
value. Press the Select button to return the cursor to the
function list.
Undoing changes
If you make changes to the video settings in the Systems
menu and you decide not to keep them, use the Std. File
button at the side of the camera to recall a standard set of
values for the video parameters.