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When the drive battery is connected, keep well clear of the area around the power unit, as this represents
the greatest risk of accident and injury. Make sure any spectators do the same.
Do not exceed the recommended voltage of the drive battery. Increasing the voltage may cause the motor
and / or the speed controller to overheat, and the electrical leads can even melt. In the worst case this
may cause the model to go up in flames and be completely ruined.
Check that all the drive train components work smoothly and freely.
Ensure that the servos are not mechanically obstructed at any point in their travel.
Dry cells and rechargeable batteries must never be short-circuited. Do not allow them to come into direct
contact with water.
Allow the motor and the speed controller to cool off after every run. Take care not to touch any part which
may be hot.
Remove all batteries from the model prior to transporting and storing it.
Do not subject the model to severe humidity, heat, cold or dirt. Don’t leave the model in a hot car in the
Secure the model and your RC equipment carefully when transporting them. They may be seriously
damaged if they are free to slide about.
If you intend to operate the model on moving water (e.g. a river), remember that it could be washed away
downstream if the battery fails or a malfunction occurs.
If you have to salvage the model, take care not to risk your own life or that of others.
Check regularly that the lower part of the model is completely watertight. Examine the boat for damage
before every run, and keep an eye open in particular for any fault which could allow a leak to develop.
Care and maintenance
Clean the model carefully after every run, and remove any water which penetrates the hull. If water gets
inside any RC component, dry the unit out and send it to your nearest GRAUPNER Service Department
for checking.
You may find it useful to cut a small slot in the top of the hull, through which any water which gets inside
the model can be drained; this also allows the interior to dry out if it gets wet. A good location for the slot
is the area where the hull meets the dummy exhaust pipe, as water does not usually get into this area
during normal operations. Even if the model is upside-down in the water, damp will not normally get
inside, as the tailplane will hold this part of the machine above the waterline.
Clean the model and the transmitter using suitable cleaning agents only. Ask your local model shop if you
are not sure.
Notes on building the model
Before you start construction be sure to study the plan and read right through the instructions. We
recommend that you refer constantly to the parts list as an aid to construction. The instructions and parts
list reflect the sequence of assembly. Please use the stage photos at the same time, as they contain
valuable extra information.
Bear in mind that tools can be dangerous; always be careful when handling them.
You will need to make a sanding block by attaching abrasive paper to a perfectly flat piece of wood using
double-sided adhesive tape. This is essential for sanding the Depron parts after cutting them out, and for
sanding chamfers where required. We recommend 120-grit and 240-grit abrasive paper.
Deploy all electrical cables in an orderly fashion, without crossing them over. Never allow a positive (+)
contact to touch a negative (-) contact. Fix all cables so that there is no chance of them fouling the rotating
parts of the power system; cable ties and adhesive tape are suitable methods.
Deploy the receiver aerial as far away as possible from high-current cables (at least 3 cm).
Don’t sand the Depron surfaces except where the material is to be glued.
Please note that all adhesives and cleaning agents which come into contact with the Depron surfaces
must be materials stated specifically to be suitable for use with Styrofoam. Any solvent-based glues or
paints will dissolve the surface, and may destroy the part completely.
Recommended adhesives for various types of joint:
Material - material
Suitable adhesives
Plastic generally - Depron
Styrofoam cyano-acrylate (foam cyano), UHU por
Depron Styrofoam
cyano-acrylate (foam cyano), UHU por
Depron - CFRP strip
Styrofoam cyano-acrylate (foam cyano), UHU por
cyano-acrylate (foam cyano), UHU por
Wood - CFRP strip
Cyano-acrylate (cyano)
Read the instructions supplied with the adhesives. Be sure to observe any special notes in the instructions regarding particular
adhesives. If you are using acetone, methylated spirits or any other solvent as a cleaning agent, special safety measures are
necessary. Read the instructions supplied with these materials.