snakes is identical, and check that they rest against the fins. It is particularly important that they are glued
firmly to the fins.
Now place the servo (part 30) approximately
central in its aperture. The servo should only be
glued in place when the rudder pushrod has been
connected, as you will need to adjust its position in
order to centre the rudders.
Cross over the snake outers inside the hull, and
glue them to the snake supports as already
described. NOTE: the pushrods must be routed in
a straight line to the servo output arms. The rods
should be connected to the servo as described for
the elevons. Check that the servo and the rudders
are accurately at centre.
Now adjust the position of the servo so that now
both rudders are accurately centred, and glue the
servo in place permanently.
Depending on the speed controller, the motor leads
attached to the controller (part 33) may need to be
extended by about 5 cm using suitable cable (part
32). Insulate the soldered joints with pieces of
heat-shrink sleeve (part 34). Now cut an opening
under the motor mount tube for the cables to pass
through. Slip the cables through the opening, and
attach the speed controller to the motor mount tube
using cable ties or adhesive tape. Seal the opening
with UHU por, taking care to make the joint
watertight. TIP: alternatively the cables can be
deployed inside the motor mount tube.
Cut a rectangular hole in the hull so that the BEC
plug attached to the speed controller fits through it.
Pull the cable through the hole as far as possible,
and seal the opening using UHU por, again taking
care to produce a watertight joint.
Cut another rectangular hole in the bottom of the
air scoop lower section (part 31). Fit the BEC plug
through the opening and glue the lower scoop
section to the hull. NOTE: the bottom part has a
large letter “U” imprinted on the inside.
Install the receiver (part 35) in the hull. Connect all
the receiving system components and test the
functions one by one. When you are satisfied, glue
the receiver to the inside of the hull on one side
using UHU por. Check that everything works as
expected, then glue the lower hull shell (part 36) in
place after running the receiver aerial out of the
hull. Stick the wire to the outside of the hull using
adhesive tape.
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