Glue the sponson cover plates (part 37) in the
sponsons (parts 38 + 39), after separating these in
the centre at the marked point. You will find a
marked point in the sponsons; the cover plates
should be glued in front of this mark.
Glue the sponsons to the underside of the hull wing,
and cut the outer section off at an angle on the
outside. TIP: the sponsons are quite flexible, so they
can easily be adjusted to fit the outside contours of
the hull wing accurately.
Place the upper section of the air scoop (part 40) on
the lower section, align the parts accurately, and cut
away the front opening, taking care to avoid
damaging the BEC cable. You can adopt the shape
shown in the photo, or change it to one which you
prefer; the only requirement is that it should be large
enough to accept the battery. When you are
satisfied, cut the rectangular exit opening in the rear
of the air scoop. Remove the upper section again
and sand the cut edges smooth. Don’t glue the two
scoop sections at this point.
The kit includes battery box side panels to suit 350
mAh and 650 mAh Li-Po batteries; select the
required side panels at this point. TIP: if you wish to
be able to use both sizes of battery, use the side
panels for the 650 mAh version and stick a strip of 3
mm scrap Depron on top of the 350 mAh battery
when you wish to use it. NOTE: ensure that the
battery compartment is glued in place with the larger
opening facing forward. The side panels are not
parallel, but angled slightly apart; when you are
operating the boat this feature is designed to ensure
that the battery is a friction-fit when you slide it into
the compartment.
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