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Cut the sliding sleeve (part 81) from the snake outer sleeve. Slip one large collet (part 82) onto the main
boom, fit the sliding sleeve into the collet, and secure it with a retaining screw (part 68). Slide the collet into
position, and tighten the screw to secure it.
Slide another large collet (part 82) onto the main boom, slip the clew of the sail between the clamp jaws
and fit a retaining screw (part 68) to secure it. Ensure that the sail is under tension, and is able to move on
the screw shank.
Run the main sheet (part 44) through the sliding sleeve and into the collet. Press one large collet (part 82)
over the main boom. Set the sail setting servo to the position at which the sails are close-hauled, then run
the sheet through the holes in the collet and secure the sheet with a knot, as shown on the plan.
there must be sufficient travel for sheet adjustment; the correct position is central between
the two collets.
Glue the two end-caps (parts 84 + 85) to the jib boom
(part 83).
ensure that the two small
holes in the caps are on the same side, and are lined
up in the same plane. Glue the retaining pin in the
hole in the cap with a drop of cyano, leaving it
projecting by about 11 mm. The jib counterweight
(part 87) can now be glued to the pin using UHU
alleskleber (for a non-permanent joint).
there should be a gap of about 1 mm between the
counterweight and the cap.
Pierce the holes in the jib (part 88) at the marked
points, as previously described for the mainsail. The
hole in the clew for the small annular clamp must
again be opened up to 2 mm Ø.
Slip the forestay (part 89) through the loops in the luff of the jib.
apply a drop of thin cyano to the end
of the cord over a length of at least 25 mm; this
stiffens the cord, and makes it easier to slip it through
the loop.
Tie the jib halyard (part 90) to the headboard (top
corner) of the sail. Tie the luff stretcher (part 91) to the
throat of the sail at the bottom.
Attach the small annular clamp (part 92) to the jib
boom, fit the sail between the jaws of the clamp, and
secure the sail with the retaining screw (part 68).
Fit the luff stretcher through the hole in the jib end-cap
(part 85). Fit a small collet (part 93) on the jib boom.
Set the sail setting servo to the position at which the
sails are close-hauled, then run the sheet through the
holes in the collet and tie the end of the jib sheet as
described for the main sheet.
must be sufficient travel for sheet adjustment; use the position indicated on the plan if possible. Place the
collet under tension, so that the foot of the sail is parallel to the jib boom.
Tie the forestay round the retaining pin (part 86). Tie the jib halyard to the outer hole in the jib hanger (part
the feet of the two sails should be exactly in line once the rigging is complete.
Run the cord of the forestay through a tensioner (part 46), then through the outer hole in the jib hanger.
Thread it through the tensioner again, then secure the cord with a knot.
Fit a small collet (part 93) on the jib boom. Tie the jib retainer (part 94) to the collet, as described for the
sheet. Make a wire hook (part 73) as described previously, connect the hook to the ring-screw, and run the
cord of the jib retainer through the small eye of the hook. Pass the cord through a tensioner (part 46), loop
it round the fillister-head screw in the deck (part 33) and tie the cord to the tensioner again. Place the jib
retainer under light tension. The position of the jib should be adjusted by moving the collet along the jib
boom until the jib counterweight is located just aft of the tip of the bow.
Run the jib sheet (part 42) through the large hole in the jib boom end-cap (part 84). Fit a small collet (part
93) on the jib boom, run the jib sheet through the holes and tie it as described for the main sheet.
there must be sufficient travel for sheet adjustment; about 30 mm to the small collet is a
good starting point.
Tie the topping lift (part 95) to the jib end-cap (part 84). Run the cord of the topping lift through a tensioner
(part 46), then through the outer hole in the jib hanger (part 70), and finally tie the cord to the tensioner
again. The topping lift should be only be under light tension, i.e. it must not pull the jib out of shape.