EN REV.V01 - 2020
The GRAVITY Xmaniac has great manoeuvrability and reacts to control impulses directly and
without delay. By shifting your weight, you can fly perfectly flat curves with minimal loss of
height. A combined control technology consisting of the proportioned pull of the brake line
on the inside of the curve and weight shifting is ideally suited for every turn. The brake line
pull determines the curve radius. From approx. 75% one-sided brake line pull, the GRAVITY
Xmaniac takes a significant side inclination and flies a fast and steep curve that can be
extended to the spiral dive.
If you pull a brake line too abruptly, the cap can turn negatively!
Active flying
In turbulent air, the GRAVITY Xmaniac should be flown lightly braked on both sides. Increasing
the working angle increases the stability of the glider. When flying in strong thermals or in
very rough conditions, make sure that the paraglider cap does not stay behind you. This can
be prevented by loosening the brakes in order to take up some speed when flying into the
upwind area. If the surface exceeds you when leaving flying into downwind areas, the
paraglider must be braked accordingly.
When flying through downwind zones, accelerated flight makes sense. The design of the
GRAVITY Xmaniac has a very high inherent stability. However, an active flight style in
turbulent air (as described above) contributes significantly to increasing safety. Collapsing
and deforming of the cap can be prevented by active flying.
Prepare yourself for landing already in sufficient height. Thanks to its excellent flare
properties, the GRAVITY Xmaniac is easy to land if you brake at the right moment. From a
straight final approach to the wind, you let the paraglider slide with normal speed and
straighten up in time in the harness. Depending on the wind conditions, the brakes are
resolved at a height of approx. 1 m and swiftly pulled until you reach the stalling point.
Landings out of steep curves and quick changes of curve before landing are to be avoided
due to the associated risk of swinging!
During strong wind starts, ground handling and landing, the leading
edge can hit the ground at very high speed. This is to be avoided, as otherwise profile tears,
damage to the seams or the fabric can occur.