Your new PSR-200U 200 Channel plus 20 FM channels VHF/Air/UHF
Desktop Scanner lets you scan conventional transmissions, and is
preprogrammed with search banks for convenience. You press a
key, you can quickly listen to the local broadcast stations.
This scanner gives you direct access to over 24,000 exciting frequencies,
including those used by police and fire departments, ambulance services,
aircraft, and amateur radio services, and you can change your selection at
any time.
Your scanner also has these special features:
Service Search Bands
— let you search preset frequencies in separate
marine, fire/police, aircraft, and ham banks, to make it easy to locate specific
types of calls.
FM Radio
— lets you receive FM broadcast for your local area.
Display Backlight
— makes the scanner easy to read in low-light situations.
Lockout Function
— lets you set your scanner to skip over specified
channels or frequencies when scanning or searching.
Ten Channel-Storage Banks
— you can store 20 channels in each bank (200
total channels), letting you group channels so you can more easily identify
— lets you tune for new and unlisted frequencies starting from a
specified frequency.
SAME/FIPS Weather Alert
— displays the weather event for the specific
cities or counties you choose so you can hear the alert tone.
Memory Backup
— keeps the frequencies stored in memory for an
extended time during a power loss.
Scan Delay
— delays scanning for about 2 seconds before moving to
another channel, so you can hear more replies that are transmitted on the
same channel.
Priority Channel
— lets you set the scanner to check one channel every 2
seconds so you do not miss transmissions.
Tone Squelch (CTCSS and DCS)
— decodes and displays the CTCSS or
DCS tone signal.
Data Cloning
— lets you transfer the programmed data to another PSR-
200U scanner.
Liquid-Crystal Display
— makes it easy to view and change programming
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2010/02/22 16:24:42