Jaguar II User Manual
Troubleshooting 6-2
6.2 Operational Problems
Some mechanical problems or failure during operation will cause some problems. The error
messages shown on the LCM present the problem first, and followed by recommended actions.
If the problem still exists after the recommended actions have been done, have your cutting
plotter serviced.
Error, Check Media
Or Drum or X Motor
This message indicates that there might be a
problem on the
X axis
. Check if the drum is
working well and if the media is well loaded.
Correct the problem and re-power on to reboot
Error, Check Media
Or Y Motor
This message indicates that there might be an
obstruction to carriage relating to a problem on
Y axis
. Correct the problem and re-power on
to reboot system
Error, Check Carriage
Sensor or VC Motor
This message indicates that the blade up/down
sensor malfunction. Re-power on to re-boot
system. If the problem still exists, find a
Graph Was Clipped.
Data In Buffer
This message indicates that the cutting exceeds
the cutting limit. Reload larger media or re-scale
the plot to a smaller size; then press the key
followed by the display of LCM to continue.