Great Plains Manufacturing, Inc.
Table of Contents
Main Seed Box Planting
Table of Contents
Checking Main Seed Box Rate
Note: Seeding rates vary greatly with sizes of seeds. The
seeding rates listed in this manual are based on an
average seed size. We recommend you test and
adjust your drill using the following procedures to
help ensure an accurate seeding rate.
It is only necessary to calibrate using one of the two sec-
tions. Then set the other wing to match the final result.
1. Set the Drive Type and Seed Rate Handle to the
table values for your seed (or to previously deter-
mined values if you have planted this seed before).
2. Record the weight of an empty container large
enough to hold one acre’s worth of seed metered
from three rows, or weight three small containers,
one for each tested row.
3. Raise drill to get drive wheel off the ground. To cali-
brate using calibration crank, attach crank to upper
jackshaft. The crank is stored on a stob present at
top front center of either wing frame.
4. Fill three or more compartments at least
full of
seed in the main seed box. Pull seed hoses off open-
ers under the compartments.
5. To calibrate using calibration crank, disengage
gauge wheel lockout, and attach calibration crank to
coupler on left-hand side of gauge wheel jackshaft
using retaining pin.
6. Turn gauge wheel or crank several times to fill seed
cups with seed. Continue to turn gauge wheel or
crank until seed falls to the ground from each cup.
7. Place the empty container under three seed hoses to
gather the seed as it is metered.
8. Rotate gauge wheel or calibration crank one acre, as
tallied on Acremeter, or as counted based on values
from table below.
Note: These settings are based on 9.5L-15 tires inflated
to factory specifications.
9. Check that the three seed cups have plenty of seed
coming into them.
Revolutions for One Acre
Crank: Drive Type 1
Crank: Drive Type 1A
Crank: Drive Type 2
Crank: Drive Type 2A
Gauge Wheel
Figure 7
3PNG Calibration Crank
and Native Grass Sprockets