Great Plains Manufacturing, Inc.
Table of Contents
Small Seeds Box Planting
Table of Contents
There is one rate handle
for the entire Small Seeds
box, located on the front of the drill near box center. The
seed rate handle controls the percent engagement of the
seed sprocket in each small seeds cup.
1. Loosen wing nut
under handle.
2. Set indicator
to just past seed rate chart value.
3. Tighten wing nut
Note: Setting the handle to zero (0) stops all seed flow.
This is useful for making certain row unit adjust-
ments without planting seed.
Checking Small Seeds Box Rate
To calibrate seed mix:
1. Set the Drive Type to 1,2 or 2A, and set the Seed
Rate Handle to the table value (or leave them at your
adjusted value).
2. Record the weight of an empty container large
enough to hold seed metered from the native grass
3. Raise drill to get drive wheel off the ground. To cali-
brate using calibration crank, attach crank to upper
4. Fill three or more compartments at least
full of
seed in the small seed box. Pull seed hoses off
openers under the compartments.
5. To calibrate using calibration crank, disengage
gauge wheel lockout, and attach calibration crank to
coupler on left-hand side of gauge wheel jackshaft
using retaining pin.
6. Turn gauge wheel or crank several times to fill seed
cups with seed. Continue to turn gauge wheel or
crank until seed falls to the ground from each cup.
7. Place the empty container under three seed hoses to
gather the seed as it is metered.
Figure 12
Small Seeds Rate Handle
Figure 13
Calibration Crank
and Native Grass Sprockets