Maintenance and Lubrication
Wing Leveling
Center Section Level Check
Vertical height and side-to-side level of the center section
cannot be adjusted, but needs to be verified before
checking/adjusting the wings. Soil accumulation on the
wheels, for example, can cause the center section to tilt.
Refer to Figure 14 on page 109 (which depicts Planter
on a paved surface - actual measurement must be
with rows pulled forward in soil)
1. Measure the elevation of both left and right sides of
the Planter center section, at the ends of the center
section tool bar.
Wing Leveling
Wing leveling check/adjustment is required prior to first
use of the planter Planter, and periodically thereafter, for
example, if soil conditions change dramatically.
Refer to Figure 128 (which depicts Planter on a paved
surface - actual measurement must be with rows
pulled forward in soil)
2. Measure the outside ends of each wing section. This
should be the same as measured at step 1 above.
See page 110 for adjustments.
Wing Leveling, Inboard End
Wing leveling check/adjustment is required prior to first
use of the YP3025A Planter, and periodically thereafter,
for example, if soil conditions change dramatically.
Before performing this operation:
Lower unfolded Planter in soil. Pull forward until
gauge and caster wheels are in normal planting
Row unit coulter/planting depths, and row unit
down-pressures must all be equal.
Check center section height and level (page 22).
1. Measure the height of the inboard end of each wing,
directly under the wing flex pivot.
2. Compare this height to that of the center section
obtained at step 1 on page 110.
3. If the heights differ by more than 1 inch (2.5 cm),
check them again after leveling the wing ends. If they
still differ, the thrust washers in the wing pivots may
be worn and in need of replacement.
Any unevenness in ground that tilts the wings or
center section causes the inner wing ends to move up
or down slightly with respect to the center frame.
Figure 128
Wing Level Check
Figure 129
Wing Level Check, Inboard