1. Glue the two wing halves together, making sure to
align the root sections.
2. Glue the carbon wing joiner tube into the slot on the
bottom of the wing. Make sure it is fully seated in the slot.
3. Glue the foam inserts into the wing slot over the carbon
joiner. Make sure they are fully seated against the joiner. The
foam inserts will not be flush with the bottom of the wing.
1. Cut away the covering from the fuse in the openings
shaded above.
1. Slide a control horn/spacer onto the stab joiner. Do not
glue it in place yet.
2. Use 6-minute epoxy to glue the joiner into the bottom of
one stabilator half. Slide the flat side of a control horn/spacer
against the stabilator. Glue it to the stabilator half.
Assemble the Stabilator
Prepare the Fuselage
Join the Wing Halves