1. Your Great Planes Extra 300SP .46 ARF should not be
considered a toy, but rather a sophisticated, working model
that functions very much like a full-size airplane. Because of
its performance capabilities, the Great Planes Extra 300SP
.46 ARF, if not assembled and operated correctly, could
possibly cause injury to yourself or spectators and damage
to property.
2. You must assemble the model
according to the
. Do not alter or modify the model, as doing so
may result in an unsafe or unfl yable model. In a few cases
the instructions may differ slightly from the photos. In those
instances the written instructions should be considered
as correct.
3. You must take time to build
4. You must use an R/C radio system that is in fi rst-class
condition and a correctly sized engine and components (fuel
tank, wheels, etc.) throughout the building process.
5. You must correctly install all R/C and other components
so that the model operates correctly on the ground and in
the air.
6. You must check the operation of the model before
fl ight to ensure that all equipment is operating and that the
model has remained structurally sound. Be sure to check
clevises or other connectors often and replace them if they
show any signs of wear or fatigue.
7. If you are not an experienced pilot or have not fl own
this type of model before, we recommend that you get the
assistance of an experienced pilot in your R/C club for
your fi rst fl ights. If you’re not a member of a club, your local
hobby shop has information about clubs in your area whose
membership includes experienced pilots.
8. While this kit has been fl ight tested to exceed normal use,
if the plane will be used for extremely high stress fl ying, such
as racing, or if an engine larger than one in the recommended
range is used, the modeler is responsible for taking steps to
reinforce the high stress points and/or substituting hardware
more suitable for the increased stress.
The cowl and wheel pants included in this kit
are made of fi berglass, the fi bers of which may cause eye,
skin and respiratory tract irritation. Never blow into a part
(wheel pant, cowl) to remove fi berglass dust, as the dust
will blow back into your eyes. Always wear safety goggles, a
particle mask and rubber gloves when grinding, drilling and
sanding fi berglass parts. Vacuum the parts and the work
area thoroughly after working with fi berglass parts.
We, as the kit manufacturer, provide you with a top quality,
thoroughly tested kit and instructions, but ultimately the
quality and fl yability of your fi nished model depends
on how you build it; therefore, we cannot in any way
guarantee the performance of your completed model,
and no representations are expressed or implied as to
the performance or safety of your completed model.
Remember: Take your time and follow the instructions to
end up with a well-built model that is straight and true.
The recommended engine/motor size range for the Great
Planes Extra 300SP .46 ARF is noted on the cover of the
manual. Your decision basically comes down to personal
preference and what your fl ying style is. Glow engines tend
to be lighter weight and have lower initial cost. However,
they create oil residue on the underside of the airplane and
require the ongoing purchase of fuel. Electric motors will
cost more initially, but are the easiest to operate and allow
for the cleanest cowl installation. If an engine in the upper
end of the size range is used, remember that this is a scale
model that is intended to fl y at scale-like speeds, so throttle
management should be practiced.
If using the RimFire 42-60-480 brushless electric motor, you
must also purchase a 60A brushless ESC capable of handling
60A at 30V. The Great Planes SS-60 High Voltage Brushless
ESC (GPMM1850) is a suitable ESC for this motor.
Glow Engine Accessories
These are the items shown in the manual that were used
with the O.S.
81FS-a (OSMG0981). If using a different glow
engine the same or similar items will also be required.
Great Planes Tap and Drill Set 6-32 (GPMR8102)
Tap Handle (GPMR8120)
Great Planes Silicone Fuel Tubing Standard 3' (GPMQ4131)
Exhaust Defl ector (HCAP2175)
Suitable propeller (14x6 for O.S. .81 FS-a, APCQ1406 or
12x6 for O.S. 55AX, APCQ1206)