10. Mix up a batch of 30-minute epoxy. First apply epoxy
to the tail gear wire where it goes into the rudder and in the
rudder. Install the tail gear. Now apply epoxy to all joining
areas of the stab, fi n and fuselage. Fit the stab and fi n
into position. If any weight was required to level the stab
don’t forget to reposition the weight and double-check the
alignment. T-pins may also be used to hold the fi n fairings
tightly to the stab and fi n. Once all adjustments have been
made wipe away excess epoxy before it hardens.
11. After the epoxy has hardened remove the wing.
12. Add three or four drops of thin CA to both sides of the
bottom rudder hinge—allow a few seconds between drops
to allow the CA to soak into the hinge slot.
13. Enlarge the three holes in the tail gear bracket with
a 3/32" [2.4mm] drill. Position the bracket centered on the
bottom of the fuselage. Use the holes in the bracket to drill
1/16" [1.6mm] holes into the fuselage. Temporarily mount the
tail gear with three M2.5 x 8 sheet metal screws.
14. Remove the tail gear bracket screws, add a few drops
of thin CA to each of the three holes, allow to harden, and
then reinstall the screws.
15. With threadlocker on the M3 set screws, use a 1.5mm
wrench to tighten the collar up against the tail gear bracket
and another collar to secure the tail wheel.
If installing a glow engine skip to
Mount the Glow Engine
on page 12.
Install the Electric Motor
1. Press four 4-40 blind nuts into either side of the
motor mount plate and glue them in with CA. (The front motor
mount plate is the one with the round hole in the middle.)
2. Fit, then use thin CA to glue the motor mount box
together (with the blind nuts on the inside).