3. Drill a .074" or 5/64" [2.0mm] hole all the way through
a 5/32" [4mm] carbon fi ber pushrod tube 1" [25mm] from
the end.
4. Wearing respiratory and eye protection, use a razor
saw or a reinforced cutoff wheel to cut a slot from one
of the holes up to the end of the tube, then install the
pushrod wire.
5. Tack-glue the pushrod into place with a few drops of
thin CA. Cut the “L” of the pushrod even with the tube, then
use a fi le to make the wire completely fl ush with the tube so
an aluminum sleeve can be fi t over the assembly later.
6. Make a Z-bend in the wire 5/8" [16mm] from the end
of the tube. Cut the excess wire off the end of the Z-bend
and use a fi le or a reinforced cutoff wheel to deburr the
end of the wire.
16-5/8" [422mm]
Carbon Fiber Tube
Aluminum Tube/Sleeve
1/2" [13mm]
1-1/8" [29mm]
7. If installing the Futaba servos recommended, you
can skip steps 8 through 12 and simply fi nish making the
pushrod to the dimensions shown above. If using other
servos, it would be better to custom-fi t the pushrods in
case the output shaft of your servos is different requiring
different pushrod lengths.