6. Use 30-minute epoxy to fuelproof areas that may be
exposed to exhaust, fuel or cleaning solution (see next page).
7. Don’t forget to coat the outside of the landing gear
plate on the bottom of the fuselage. Apply liberally, allow
to soak in, and then remove excess epoxy before it
8. Also lightly coat the holes in the wing bolt plates and
the holes in the landing gear plate with 30-minute epoxy.
Allow to fully harden before re cutting the holes with a 10-
24 tap later.
9. Inspect all visible glue joints looking for areas in
the cabin or tail that could use reinforcement. Where
necessary, use a CA applicator to apply thin or medium
CA to any glue joints that don’t look strong.
Next, epoxy/carbon fi ber epoxy fi llets will be added to
key structural areas in the fuselage. First, we’ll mix up a
batch and apply to the landing gear plate and wing bolt
plates. Then, we’ll repeat the process for the fi rewall
with a new batch of resin. Separating the job into two
procedures insures plenty of working time before the
epoxy begins to harden.