10. Locate the plywood fuel tank support. Glue it in place
behind the fuel tank as shown.
11. Cut the fuel tubing coming from the tank to the proper
length and connect the pressure and carb lines to the engine.
The fi ll line should be plugged with the included aluminum
fuel line plug and able to hang free from the bottom of the
plane. Be sure to replace the fuel line plug after fi lling or
draining the fuel tank.
12. Cut the threads off the end of the 2-56 x 12" [305mm]
pushrod wire. Install one end of the wire into the screw
lock connector on the throttle servo. Apply thread locking
compound to the set screw and then tighten the set screw
against the wire.
13. Install another brass screw lock connector, nylon
retainer and 4-40 x 1/4" [6.4mm] set screw to the outer hole
of the throttle arm.
13. From inside of the fuselage, slide the opposite end
of the wire into the plastic tube you installed. As the wire
exits the fi rewall, slide the wire through the screw lock
connector. Temporarily tighten the set screw to the wire.
You will make the fi nal adjustments to this when you
fi nalize the radio installation.
14. Position the throttle servo behind the fuel tank
as shown. Drill a 1/16" [1.6mm] hole through each of the
mounting holes into the plywood fl oor. Thread a #2 x 3/8"
[9.5mm] screw through each hole and back it out. Apply a
couple drops of thin CA glue to each hole to harden the
wood. When the glue has dried, install the servo tray.