NOTE: Before installing the chin block, you should
now take a few minutes to fuelproof the bottom of
the engine mount rails and the area ofF-1 to which
the nosegear bearing is mounted, using epoxy thin-
ned with alcohol, polyester finishing resin, or fuel-
proof paint.
D 1. Using your T-Bar sanding block, sand the
bottom of the fuse sides, F-l and F-2 in the fuel
tank compartment area.
D 2. Find the two soft balsa chin block halves
and glue them together on a flat surface.
D 1. Sand the entire wing saddle area lightly if
necessary until the fuse side doublers and fuse
sides are flush.
D 2. Find the two 1/16" x 1" x 1" ply wing bolt
plates. Mark their exact locations on the bot-
tom of the wing, using the wing plan as a guide.
Glue the wing bolt plates securely to the wing.
D 3. Insert the die-cut 1/8" ply dowel plate in
place against the back of F-2 (do not glue).
D 4. Insert the 5/16" wing dowels into the wing
so they stick out only 1/8".
D 3. With the fuselage upside down, lay the chin
block in place. Note that the rear edge of the
chin block must be sanded to a slight angle to
line up with F-2 and the front of the wing saddle
area. Position the chin block so it protrudes
1/8" behind the rear surface of F-2, and so the
centerline of the chin block lines up with the
centerline of the fuselage. Glue the chin block
securely in this position.
D 4. From the 1/8" x 3" x 36" balsa sheet, cut and
glue pieces of cross-grain sheeting in place
on the bottom of the fuse, beginning at the
front of F-3 and running to the aft end of F-6.
(You will leave the rear part of the bottom
fuselage sheeting off until after you lock
the stabilizer to the fuselage later.) Sand
the edges of this glued sheeting flush with the
fuse sides.
D 5. With the fuselage upside down on a flat sur-
face, trial fit the wing into the wing saddle. If
the wing is slightly too large to fit into the
saddle, sand the rear edge of the saddle and
the wing trailing edge slightly until it fits.
D 6. Carefully align the wing in the saddle as
If you have drilled the dowel holes correctly, the
wing should now be centered, side to side. Measure
down from the bottom of both tip ribs to the flat
surface. If the measurements are not equal (within
1/16"), sand the saddle slightly until the wing sits
level in the saddle. Also measure from the rear corner
of each wing tip to the tail end of the fuselage. These
measurements must also agree within 1/16". If not,