10. Place the ribs on the spar in their approximate
position, but do not glue. NOTE: Make sure ribs W-2,
W-3 and W-4 are installed with the LG notches down, and
W-l is installed with the servo opening pointing up.
Cut first slot to
angle of dihedral gauge
11. Examine the shaped, notched leading and trailing
edges. Notice that the notches at one end of each LE and TE
are only 2-5/8" apart. These are the notches for W-l and
W-2. Also notice that all notches in the LE and TE are
vertical; however, rib W-l will be installed at a slight angle
using the Dihedral Gauge. Therefore, you should now
modify the notch for W-l by cutting it to the angle of the rib.
You may determine the approximate angle of the cut by
holding the Dihedral Gauge (DG) against the LE as shown
16. Make sure the ribs are fully down on the plan and
12. Insert the rear ends of the ribs into the notches in
the TE, then block up the TE with the 1/4" balsa TE Jig
supplied. NOTE: The narrow end of the TE jig is at rib
W-ll. Pin the jig to the building surface.
all ribs are inserted into the LE notches. Angle rib W-l
slightly using the dihedral gauge (DG). Glue W-1 to the TE,
LE and bottom spar. Glue all other ribs to the LE and bottom
17. Glue the top spar in place, making sure you do not
change the angle of W-l.
18. Glue the pre-cut 3/32" balsa vertical grain shear
up with the plan.
13. Pin the TE to the TE Jig, making sure the ribs line
14. Glue ribs W-2 through W-ll to the TE. (Apply
webs to the rear edge of the spars in all rib bays except
between ribs W-l and W-2. NOTE: You may wish to trial
fit, mark, and trim each web before gluing in. NOTE: The
webs must be securely glued to the spars, but it is not
necessary to glue the webs to the ribs.
glue sparingly, to avoid gluing the TE to the TE Jig).
15. Insert the front ends of the ribs into the notches in
theLE. NOTE: Position the LE as shown at the top of the
next column.
19. You will now make a "pocket" for the 1/16" ply
dihedral brace by installing a 3/32" balsa web 1/16" behind
the spars. Sand one of the 3/32" x 2-3/16" x 2-1/2" balsa
horizontal grain webs for a good fit between W-1 and W-2.
(See photo at top of next page.)