27. Center the carburetor barrel by moving the pushrod.
With the throttle servo and barrel centered, tighten the 4-40
set screw. Adjust the servo throw so at high throttle the carburetor
barrel is completely open. Adjust the transmitter so at low
throttle the carburetor barrel is closed or slightly open.
Materials used for the following modifications are not included
with this ARF. These modifications are recommended
only if your radio does not have V-tail mixing.
1. Cut the tail of the fuse off 1/4" [6mm] behind the tail skid.
2. Remove covering from the rudder.
3. Glue 1/4" x 1/2" x 1-1/2" [6 x 13 x 38mm] balsa to the
TE of the fuse and LE of the rudder
4. Shape the balsa on the fuse to match the shape of
the fuse.
5. Shape the balsa on the front of the rudder to match
the shape of the rudder.
6. Cover the rudder and the rear of the fuse.
7. Cut the hinge slots and mount the rudder with one
long hinge.
8. Sharpen the end of a 3/16" [5mm] brass tube.
Optional Rudder Modifications