3 Installation
Three-Phase UPS (10kVA-160kVA) Series
User Manual
Rotate four supporting foots of universal wheel clockwise to lower height.
Rotate four supporting foots of universal wheel anticlockwise to higher height.
Rotate four supporting foots of universal wheel anticlockwise by wrench to separate supporting
foot from wooden frame and get four universal wheels to wooden frame.
When adjusting supporting foot, it should adjust four supporting foots simultaneously to avoid tilting.
Put equipped board at the front of UPS and push UPS to ground through board and move it to
the installed anchor frame and fasten it by bolts.
Push UPS to ground through board
It needs two person to push UPS to ground to avoid tilting or human injury(It's recommended that one
person on the left and the other person on the right to move UPS.).
Three-Phase (40kVA-80kVA) series UPS and Three-Phase (100kVA-160kVA) series UPS
Move UPS from wooden frame to ground and fasten it in the installed expansion bolts.
Step 5
After finishing installing UPS, install bottom cover plates.