CIP 1500 – User and Maintenance Manual
Chapter 12
HC 960
12.1 Setting up the No- Stress device
The “
electronic device
operates by stopping the feeding rollers
when the flywheel speed drops under a
preset value, due to engine overload.
All the HC 960 functions, apart from the
ones listed below, have been factory
calibrated by the manufacturer
Functions of the No Stress device
With machine still and powered up:
• HC 960 displays the total hours
worked by the machine
• By pressing the "S" key, HC 960
displays the daily working hours.
• By pressing the "S" key and holding it
down for more than 10 seconds, HC 960
resets the daily counter.
With machine running, No-Stress HC
960 displays the revolutions per minute
recorded at the flywheel shaft by its
sensor (Ref. E).
Whenever the machine is powered up,
always before starting a work, follow the
simple procedure below to calibrate the
No-stress device:
• Make sure the machine is steady-state
• Make sure the machine is not chipping;
• Press the "S" key on the No-Stress
The No-Stress device must be
calibrated whenever the machine is
started up.
• While the machine is running, the total
worked hours cannot be read; however,
by holding in the "S" key for 3 seconds,
HC 960 displays the daily working