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If you transport the machine on a bumpy road, drain the fuel first.


Do not use the machine when you are in a vehicle. Remove the machine from the vehicle and use it in a well-
ventilated place.


Avoid a place exposed to direct sunlight when you put the machine in a vehicle. If the machine is left in a closed 
vehicle for many hours, the high temperatures inside the vehicle can cause the fuel to evaporate and cause a 
possible explosion.


To avoid the loss of fuel during transport, the generator should be secured vertically in its normal operating 
position, with the engine and fuel switch turned off and the fuel cap closed.



Before storing the machine for a long period of time, make sure that the storage area is free of excessive moisture 
and dust.


Always allow the machine to cool before storage.


Store the machine out of the reach of children and where fuel fumes do not come in contact with flames or 
sparks. For long period storage, store the machine without fuel. 


Worn products are potentially recyclable and should not be disposed of in the usual bin. Help us protect the 
environment and preserve natural resources.
Dispose of the appliance in an environmentally friendly way. Do not throw it away with the household rubbish. Its plastic 
and metal components can be separated and recycled. Take this device to an approved recycling centre (green point).
Gasoline, used oils, oil / gasoline mixtures as well as objects stained with gasoline (e.g.: rags) should not be disposed 
of in the usual trash, drainage, land, rivers, lake or sea. Objects stained with oil should be disposed of in accordance 
with local regulations: take them to the most appropriate recycling centre.
The materials used in the packaging of the machine are recyclable: please throw them in the appropriate container.


GREENCUT guarantees all products for a period of 2 years (valid for Europe). This guarantee is subject to the purchasing 
date and taking into consideration the purpose of use of the product. In order to claim your guarantee, you must 
present your receipt of purchase and its description, as well as the defective product.
The guarantee does not cover normal wear and tear, especially on blades, blade elements, turbines, lighting sources, 
vent and transmission belts, impellers, air filters, spark plugs and damage caused due to improper use of the machine, 
especially due to failure to comply with the operating and maintenance instructions.
In the event that repairs or modifications have been made by the consumer or any other than with the original 
GREENCUT spare parts, the guarantee will be voided.
In the event of a justified guarantee claim, we are authorised, at our discretion, to repair or replace the defective tool 
free of charge. Claims beyond those described in this guarantee will be invalid.

Summary of Contents for GE8010E

Page 1: ...i ES Manual de instrucciones IT Manuale di istruzioni FR Manuel d utilisation EN Instruction manual BIOTRITURADORA GE8010E...

Page 2: ...fallo el ctrico fuego y o una lesi n El fabricante no se hace responsable de los accidentes y da os causados al usuario a terceras personas y a los objetos como resultado de hacer caso omiso de las in...

Page 3: ...a su cuerpo alejado del til de corte durante la utilizaci n de la m quina Utilizar esta m quina de manera inapropiada es peligroso Evite la inhalaci n de los gases de escape Esta m quina produce gases...

Page 4: ...acto con la piel y los ojos No los inhale ni ingiera En caso de ingerir combustible y o aceite acuda r pidamente a su m dico Si entra en contacto con el combustible o el aceite l mpiese con abundante...

Page 5: ...nte ning n trabajo de mantenimiento o reparaci n que no est descrito en este manual de instrucciones Le recomendamos que el mantenimiento y reparaciones no descritos en este manual sean realizados por...

Page 6: el dep sito de combustible con el motor arrancando No fume o acerque llamas al combustible o a la m quina Compruebe que no existen fugas de combustible Peligro de proyecci n de materiales Tenga cui...

Page 7: ...erente al descrito anteriormente puede provocar situaciones peligrosas y exime al fabricante de toda responsabilidad DESCRIPCI N DETALLADA DEL PRODUCTO ATENCI N Los productos detallados en este manual...

Page 8: ...RITURADORA Modelo GE8010E Motor OHV 4 tiempos Cilindrada 420cc Potencia m xima 15cv Ignici n CDI Arranque Manual reversible y el ctrico Transmisi n Por correas Transmisi n reductor Husillo sinf n coro...

Page 9: ...carga D Debe fijar la tolva de admisi n encajando las bisagras superiores y mediante los dos tornillos tuercas y arandelas inferiores Debe seguir el mismo procedimiento para el montaje de la tolva de...

Page 10: limpio 4 Llene el tanque de combustible 5 Examine si hay signos de fugas de combustible 6 Inspeccione las mangueras de combustible 7 Cerci rese de que el cable de la buj a y la buj a est n bien ap...

Page 11: ...cionar las ramas autom ticamente Cuando introduzca ramas espesas aseg rese de que las revoluciones del motor sean suficientes Corte las ramas laterales de la rama principal e introd zcalas en la m qui...

Page 12: ...MESES O 60H USO CADA 12 MESES O 100H USO Aceite de motor Revisar Reemplazar Filtro del aceite del motor Reemplazar Revisar los tornillos tuercas de la m quina Revisar Tap n del drenaje el carburador...

Page 13: ...rreas queden completamente tensas Si el ajuste no puede realizarse con xito sustituya la correa DRENAJE DEL COMBUSTIBLE 1 Quite el tap n y el filtro del combustible 2 Drene todo el combustible del dep...

Page 14: ...ngulador al estado normal Limpie los conductos del combustible Rellene el dep sito de carburante Consulte su distribuidor local Limpie o reemplace el filtro del aire Limpie el dep sito de carburante E...

Page 15: ...nentes de pl stico y de metal se pueden separar y reciclar Lleve este aparato a un centro de reciclado homologado punto verde La gasolina aceites usados mezclas de aceite gasolina as como los objetos...

Page 16: ...l Consejo de 26 de febrero de 2014 sobre la armonizaci n de las legislaciones de los Estados miembros en materia de compatibilidad electromagn tica refundici n Directiva 2010 26 UE de la Comisi n de 3...

Page 17: ...e un usage professionnel Conservez ce manuel d instructions pour r f rence future Si vous vendez cette machine dans le futur n oubliez pas de donner ce manuel au nouveau propri taire R GLES ET PR CAU...

Page 18: ...ectueuses ou sans dispositifs de s curit Le dispositif de coupe de cette machine est aff t loignez toutes les parties du corps des l ments de coupe lorsque la machine est en marche Utiliser de mani re...

Page 19: ...dommages caus s par une utilisation incorrecte ou incorrecte de cette machine S CURIT DANS L UTILISATION DES COMBUSTIBLES Le carburant et l huile sont des produits chimiques dangereux et hautement inf...

Page 20: ...arr t Lors du nettoyage nettoyez toujours la machine n utilisez pas de solvants base de graisse Maintenez particuli rement propre le r servoir de carburant son environnement et le filtre air Effectue...

Page 21: ...gaz mortels N utilisez pas cette machine dans des endroits ferm s ou mal ventil s Carburant inflammable Risque d incendie ou d explosion Ne remplissez jamais le r servoir de carburant lorsque le moteu...

Page 22: ...ion que celle d crite ci dessus peut entra ner des situations dangereuses et exempte le fabricant de toute responsabilit DESCRIPTION D TAILL E DU PRODUIT ATTENTION Les produits d crits dans ce manuel...

Page 23: ...Manuel r versible et lectrique Transmission Par courroies R ducteur transmission R ducteur vis sans fin bague de vitesse Volume de carburant 7L Volume d huile 1 1L Type de carburant 95 essence sans pl...

Page 24: ...a tr mie de d charge D Vous devez fixer la tr mie d admission en ajustant les charni res sup rieures et l aide des deux vis crous et rondelles inf rieures Vous devez suivre la m me proc dure de montag...

Page 25: ...mplissez le r servoir de carburant 5 V rifiez les signes de fuites de carburant 6 Inspectez les flexibles de carburant 7 Assurez vous que le fil de la bougie et la bougie sont bien serr s 8 Recherchez...

Page 26: rieur laissez les partir La machine va aspirer les branches automatiquement Lorsque vous ins rez des branches paisses assurez vous que les r volutions du moteur sont suffisantes Coupez les branch...

Page 27: ...OIS OU 15H USE TOUS LES 3 MOIS OU 30H UTILISATION TOUS LES 6 MOIS OU 60H D UTILISATION TOUS LES 12 MOIS OU 100H UTILISATION Huile moteur Reviser Remplacer Filtre huile moteur Remplacer V rifiez les bo...

Page 28: ...doit tre r p t e jusqu ce que les sangles soient compl tement tendues Si le r glage ne peut pas tre effectu avec succ s remplacez la courroie DRAINAGE DE CARBURANT 1 Retirez le bouchon du r servoir e...

Page 29: ...onnexion de la bougie d allumage D placer le levier de starter l tat normal Nettoyer les conduites de carburant Remplissez le r servoir de carburant Consultez votre distributeur local Nettoyer ou remp...

Page 30: ...s ordures m nag res Ses composants en plastique et en m tal peuvent tre s par s et recycl s Portez cet appareil dans un centre de recyclage agr point vert L essence les huiles usag es les m langes hui...

Page 31: ...europ en et du Conseil du 26 f vrier 2014 relative l harmonisation des l gislations des tats membres en mati re de compatibilit lectromagn tique Directive 2010 26 UE de la Commission du 31 mars 2010 m...

Page 32: ...sto manuale di istruzioni per una consultazione futura Se vende questa macchina in futuro ricordi di consegnare questo manuale al nuovo proprietario NORME E PRECAUZIONI DI SICUREZZA Le seguenti parole...

Page 33: ...lato Mantenga il suo corpo lontano dallo strumento di taglio durante l utilizzo della macchina Utilizzare questa macchina in modo inappropriato pericoloso Eviti l inalazione dei gas di scarico Questa...

Page 34: ...te e o olio si rivolga rapidamente al suo medico Se entra in contatto con il carburante o con l olio si pulisca con acqua abbondante e sapone il prima possibile se dopo sente la zona irritata consulti...

Page 35: ...a della macchina Non provi a realizzare nessun lavoro di manutenzione o riparazione che non viene descritta in questo manuale di istruzioni Le raccomandiamo che la manutenzione e le riparazioni non de...

Page 36: ...osione Non riempia mai il serbatoio del carburante con il motore acceso Non fumi o avvicini fiamme al carburante o alla macchina Controlli che non ci siano perdite di carburante Pericolo di materiali...

Page 37: ...llo descritto anteriormente pu causare situazioni pericolose ed esime il produttore da ogni responsabilit DESCRIZIONE DETTAGLIATA DEL PRODOTTO ATTENZIONE I prodotti descritti in questo manuale possono...

Page 38: ...CDI Avviamento Manuale a strappo ed elettrico Trasmissione Cinghie Trasmissione riduttore Mandrino infinito corona dentata Volume del carburante 7L Volume dell olio 1 1L Benzina 95 senza piombo Olio 1...

Page 39: ...oggia di scarico D Deve assicurare il canale di immissione adattando i cardini superiori e con le due viti bulloni e guarnizioni inferiori Deve seguire lo stesso procedimento per il montaggio del cana...

Page 40: ...el carter del motore 3 Controlli che l aria sia pulita 4 Riempia il serbatoio del carburante 5 Controlli se ci sono segni di perdite di carburante 6 Controlli i tubi del carburante 7 Si assicuri che i...

Page 41: ...aticamente Quando introduce rami spessi si assicuri che i giri del motore siano sufficienti Tagli i rami laterali dal ramo principale e li immetta nella macchina separatamente I rami lunghi potrebbero...

Page 42: ...rollare Tappo del drenaggio del carburatore Controllare Filtro dell aria Controllare Pulire Sostituire se necessario Filtro del carburante Controllare Sostituire Candela Controllare Sostituire Svuotar...

Page 43: ...cinghie rimangano completamente tese Se l adeguamento non pu essere realizzato con successo sostituisca la cinghia DRENAGGIO DEL CARBURANTE 1 Rimuova il tappo e il filtro del carburante 2 Dreni tutto...

Page 44: ...a Muova la leva dello strozzatore allo stato normale Pulisca i condotti del carburante Riempia il serbatoio del carburante Consulti il suo distributore locale Pulisca o sostituisca il filtro dell aria...

Page 45: ...onenti in plastica e di metallo possono essere separati e riciclati Porti questo dispositivo in un centro di riciclaggio omologato punto verde La benzina olii utilizzati miscele di olio benzina cos co...

Page 46: ...del Consiglio del 26 febbraio del 2014 relativa all armonizzazione delle legislazioni degli Stati membri in materia di compatibilit elettromagnetica rifusione Direttiva 2010 26 UE della Commissione de...

Page 47: hand it to the new owner SAFETY RULES AND PRECAUTIONS The aim of the following warning signs and their meaning is to explain the levels of risk related to this product ATTENTION Read and understand...

Page 48: this machine inappropriately is dangerous Avoid inhaling exhaust gases This machine produces dangerous gases such as carbon monoxide that can cause dizziness fainting or death Do not use this machi...

Page 49: ...In case of ingesting fuel and or oil see your doctor quickly If you accidentally come into contact with fuel or oil clean it with plenty of soap and water as soon as possible if you then feel the area...

Page 50: ...periodic maintenance of the machine Do not attempt any maintenance or repair work that is not described in this instruction manual We recommend that maintenance and repairs not described in this manu...

Page 51: ...l tank with the engine on Do not smoke or allow flames to get near the fuel or the machine Check that there are no fuel leaks Danger of flying materials Be careful with objects that can be fired Peopl...

Page 52: ...ial in the machine such as metal stones plastics soil stones or other residues If you want to crush roots remove the sand Any other use other than that described above may cause dangerous situations a...

Page 53: ...v Ignition CDI Start Manual reversible and electric Transmission By belts Reducer transmission Worm gear gear ring Fuel capacity 7L Oil capacity 1 1L Fuel type 95 unleaded petrol Oil type 10W30 10W40...

Page 54: ...arge hopper D You must fix the intake hopper by fitting the upper hinges and by means of the two screws nuts and lower washers The same procedure must be followed for the assembly of the discharge hop...

Page 55: ...nkcase 3 Check that the air is clean 4 Fill the fuel tank 5 Check for signs of fuel leaks 6 Inspect the fuel hoses 7 Make sure that the spark plug wire and the spark plug are appropriately tighten 8 L...

Page 56: ...will suck the branches automatically When inserting thick branches make sure that the engine revolutions are sufficient Cut the side branches of the main branch and insert them into the machine separa...

Page 57: ...s MAINTENANCE EACH USE EVERY MONTH OR 15H USE EVERY 3 MONTHS OR 30H USE EVERY 6 MONTHS OR 60H USE EVERY 12 MONTHS OR 100H USE Engine oil Check Replace Engine oil filter Replace Check screws bolts Chec...

Page 58: ...edure has to be repeated until the straps are completely tense If the adjustment can not be carried out successfully replace the belt FUEL DRAINAGE 1 Remove the fuel cap and filter 2 Drain all fuel fr...

Page 59: choke lever to normal state Clean the fuel lines Fill the fuel tank Consult your local distributor Clean or replace the air filter Clean the fuel tank The motor overheats Low level of engine oil De...

Page 60: ...mponents can be separated and recycled Take this device to an approved recycling centre green point Gasoline used oils oil gasoline mixtures as well as objects stained with gasoline e g rags should no...

Page 61: ...30 EC of the European Parliament ando f the Council published on 26th February 2014 on the approximation of laws of the Member States relating to electromagnetic compatibility Directive 2010 26 EC of...

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