The Trigger Indicator will be activated when a trigger is received and will be turned off when
the trigger ends. The Trigger Indicator is a Red LED on the front panel and is a widget in the
Web Interface. It is textually indicated on the Status line in Terminal mode.
The CV Out signal ranges from -5V to +5V. It can be attenuated using the CV Scale control.
When using this control, the CV Out signal will still be centered at zero volts, but it will swing to
a lesser degree depending on the Scale setting.
WiFi mode has a dedicated slider control for CV Scale, and Terminal mode uses the O key
followed by a number from 0 to 1023 followed by a carriage return. Press the screen refresh
command to see the effect.
The Signal In jack has a range of -5V to +5V. It is used by the Bounce function. Signals at this
input currently have no effect in other functions.
This signal is split into two parts, one AC coupled, and the other DC coupled. These signals are
then scaled and biased to the 0 to 3.3V signal that the Arduino requires. More details about the
Bounce function can be found later in this document.
In order to maximize display life, the display will turn off after a set time. The default time is 15
minutes. The time can be set in the Settings function with a range of 1 to 9999 minutes.
Press any button or push the Trigger knob to bring the display back.