© 2015 Greenfields Outdoor Fitness, Inc.
1. Stand assembled unit in the four
prepared footings.
2. Slide two 2X4s (approximately 6’long)
under the support bars located on both
sides of the unit. There should be about 2’
extending on each side.
3. Use laser or string-line to measure
height of unit.
4. Raise/lower unit so that “finished
grade” markings on the four legs (done
with blue tape) are correct height. Pieces
of cinder block may be placed directly
under the legs and/or wooden blocks and
shims may be placed under the extending
2-Person Cross Country Ski
5. Use magnetic level to check that both sides
are plumb.
6. Place metal pegs/rebar through prepared
holes in embedded pipe.
7. Pour concrete into footings. Use vibration
or thorough shovel mixing to ensure a good
set around embedded pipe, and to eliminate
air pockets.
8. Depending on the type of surface to be
installed, there should be approximately 4”
between the top of the concrete and “finished