p r i d e o f t h e p a c i f i c S e r i e S c U r V e d G L a S S L e a N t o M o d e L • G r e e N h o U S e i N S t r U c t i o N S
– 29 –
(See Drawing on Page 32)
1 .
Lay down the vent gutter with the
punches facing up towards you .
2 .
Glass Bars with sliders are for the end .
Lay them down with the bolt slot
facing up .
3 .
Lay the vent hinge with the punches
facing up towards you .
4 .
Slide the bolts into both ends of the
end bar . Take the gutter and line up the
bolt with the first punch, slide the bolt
down and tighten it . Do the same with
the hinge, the other side and center bar .
Make sure that the Glass Bars fit tightly
into the gutter and hinge after the vent
is assembled .
5 .
Turn it over and square it up .
6 .
Put the 1/8” foam on the Glass Bars .
7 .
Take the glass
and slide it up into the
hinge track . Drop it down on the gutter .
Do the same with the next piece of glass .
8 .
Take the caps and lay them on the bars,
center them and screw them on with a
3/4” screw .
9 .
Take the silicone gun and seal where the
glass slides into the hinge
10 . 3/4” screw through hinge & gutter into
glass bars
Take the vent and slide it into the end of
the ridge
(See Picture
After you remove the screw in the ridge,
push it into place and put the screw
back in
(See Pictire
. now attach the
automatic opener .
Vent Assembly