See the Specifications section for operating conditions and temperature coefficient.
Accuracy is specified as follows:
(a percentage of the r a fixed amount) at
• 18
C to 28
C (64
F to 82
F) for voltage and resistance measurements
• 21
C to 26
C (70
F to 79
F) for current measurements
• 0% to 80% relative humidity
AC Current (21
C to 26
C) for CM-700*
Input Value
Accuracy (50 to 60 Hz)
Accuracy (60 to 400 Hz)
0.0 to 40.0
(1.9% + 0.7 A)
(2.5% + 0.7 A)
400.0 A
40.0 to 200.0
(1.9% + 0.5 A)
(2.5% + 0.5 A)
200.0 to 400.0
(3.0% + 0.5 A)
(3.6% + 0.5 A)
600 A
400 to 600
(1.9% + 10 A)
(2.5% + 10 A)
AC Current (21
C to 26
C) for CM-750**
Input Value
Accuracy (50 to 60 Hz)
Accuracy (60 to 400 Hz)
0.0 to 40.0
(1.9% + 0.7 A)
(2.5% + 0.7 A)
400.0 A
40.0 to 200.0
(1.9% + 0.5 A)
(2.5% + 0.5 A)
200.0 to 400.0
(3.5% + 0.5 A)
(3.6% + 0.5 A)
600 A
400 to 600
(1.9% + 10 A)
(2.5% + 10 A)
* CM-700 is average sensing, RMS calibrated.
** CM-750 is true RMS sensing. Accuracy is specified for sine waves at full scale and non-sine
waves below half scale. For non-sine waves, add the following crest factor corrections:
• Crest factor 1.4 to 2.0, add 1.0%
• Crest factor 2.0 to 2.5, add 2.5%
• Crest factor 2.5 to 3.0, add 4.0%
AC Voltage (18
C to 28
C) for CM-700* and CM-750**
Frequency Response
Input Impedance
400.0 mV
4.000 V
(1.5% + 0.005 V)
40 to 300 Hz
40.00 V
(1.5% + 0.05 V)
9 M
, 100 pF
400.0 V
(1.5% + 0.5 V)
40 to 500 Hz
600 V
(1.5% + 5 V)