Model 7300 Power Pinner CD Hand Welder
-Selecting the required weld voltage is achieved by turning the selector knob. The voltage
range is from 35VDC to 100VDC.
-The voltage is determined by the diameter of the stud and the base material. The unit is la-
beled with recommended voltage settings for various applications.
-Fine tuning the voltage to meet your requirement for the specific application is recom-
Visually inspect the weld. A good weld will result in an all-around weld, with a small visible
amount of weld surrounding base of the weld pin. Too much splatter and the weld is too hot,
lower the voltage. No splatter and the weld is too cold, increase the voltage.
If you get weld flash to one side of the weld pin as opposed to an even amount around the base,
this is called “arc blow”, and can be solved by repositioning the ground clamp or using a dual
ground clamp.
Proper welding can be tested by either torquing or bending the weld pin. The welded pin should
stay in place using either method. If the base material is very thin, the diameter of the weld pin
will pull from the base metal for a properly welded pin.
Voltage Selector
LED Display