Model G4000 (Mfg. Since 8/09)
C-Type Tool Holder
Tools Needed
Wrench 13mm ................................................... 1
To use the C-type tool holder:
1. disConnECt LAthE FroM poWEr!
2. remove the 4-way tool post from the com-
pound slide.
3. replace the beveled pin from the compound
slide with the 8 x 20mm pin (see
figure 40).
4. slide the tool holder base onto the tool post
bolt, then rotate it until the pin is inserted into
the base indent.
5. thread the M8-1.25 x 30 hex bolt into the
holder top, slide the top onto the tool post
bolt, then secure the tool with the M8-1.25
hex nut (see
figure 41).
Note: Thread the hex bolt up or down to
make sure the holder top is level and makes
even contact with the tool.
figure 41. Cutting tool properly installed in the
C-type tool holder.
Spindle Speed
the spindle speed is controlled by belts and pul-
leys inside the change gear cover (see
figure 42).
figure 42. Belts and gears inside the change
gear cover.
to set the correct spindle speed for your opera-
tion, you will need to: 1) determine the spindle
speed (rpM) needed for your operation, and 2)
configure the spindle belt on the pulleys for the
calculated speed.
The gears, pulleys, and
belts inside the change
gear cover represent
severe entanglement haz-
ards. ALWAyS discon-
nect the lathe from power
before opening the change
gear cover.
figure 40. C-type tool holder components.
8 x 20mm