Model G4000 (Mfg. Since 8/09)
120 RPM
300 RPM
400 RPM
600 RPM
1000 RPM
2000 RPM
figure 46. illustrations of spindle belt configurations for each available spindle speed.
feed Rate Lever
the feed rate lever shown in
figure 47 is used
with the change gears to provide the various pow-
ered feed rates for the carriage.
Attempting to move the feed rate lever when
the spindle is rotating will damage the inter-
nal gears of the power feed mechanism and
will void the warranty. NEvER attempt to
move the feed rate lever when the lathe is
To set the feed rate lever:
1. Make sure the spindle is OFF and has come
to a complete stop.
figure 47. Feed rate lever.
Feed rate Lever