Model T28360 (Mfd. Since 11/18)
Additional Safety for Tile Saws
Serious injury or death can occur from getting fingers, hair, or clothing entangled in rotating or
moving parts. Workpieces can be ejected by saw, striking operator or bystanders. Long-term
respiratory damage can occur from breathing dust created while cutting. To minimize risk of
injury, anyone operating this machine MUST completely heed hazards and warnings below.
CUTTING DIRECTION. Attempting to push-cut
with this saw could result in flying debris and pro-
duction of hazardous dust. Always pull the saw
carriage toward and through the workpiece.
HAND PLACEMENT. Never position fingers or
thumbs in line with the cut. Serious personal
injury could occur. Keep hands as far from blade
path as possible. Never reach behind blade dur-
ing operations.
during a cut while holding small workpieces
with fingers, serious personal injury could occur.
Always support/feed small or narrow workpieces
with push stick, push blocks, jig, vise, or some
type of clamping fixture.
CONTINUOUS RIM BLADE. This saw is designed
for use with continuous rim wet blades. Use of
other blades could result in flying debris, or dam-
age to machine. Always use continuous rim wet
blades with this saw.
to force the blade through the workpiece can
cause chipping, flying debris, and damage to the
machine. Abrasive blades used on this saw do
not cut like typical toothed saws. Let the blade do
the cutting and reduce cutting force if you hear
any strain on the motor.
ELECTRICAL HAZARDS. Electrocution may
occur due to water entering electrical connec-
tions. GFCI (Ground Fault Circuit Interrupter) will
interrupt circuit if excessive amp draw is detected.
Always connect this machine to a GFCI circuit
breaker to reduce chances of electrocution.
WET HANDS. Water can conduct electricity and
facilitate electrocution. Never touch any electrical
connection while hands are wet to reduce chanc-
es of electrocution.
DRIP LOOP. Water can run along power cord
and into power receptacle causing electrocution.
Always form a “drip loop” so water will drip off
cord before reaching receptacle.
DRY CUTTING. Cutting without water can pro-
duce harmful airborne dust that can lead to eye
injury or respiratory illness. Reduce risk of these
hazards by ensuring water is running on the blade
during operations. Wear approved eye and respi-
ratory protection when using saw.
SIDE GRINDING. Never use side of blade to
grind tile. Doing so may cause tile to break or
explode, resulting in flying debris.
BLADE ROTATION. Ensure blade is installed
according to direction indicated on blade and
machine to reduce likelihood of kickback.
No list of safety guidelines can be com-
plete. Every shop environment is different.
Always consider safety first, as it applies
to your individual working conditions. Use
this and other machinery with caution and
respect. Failure to do so could result in
serious personal injury, damage to equip-
ment, or poor work results.
Like all machinery there is potential danger
when operating this machine. Accidents
are frequently caused by lack of familiarity
or failure to pay attention. Use this machine
with respect and caution to decrease the
risk of operator injury. If normal safety pre-
cautions are overlooked or ignored, seri-
ous personal injury may occur.