RS232 communication
RS485 communication
External wireless communication
Internal wireless communication
6.4.2 Graph
The inverter energy and/or power is shown as a graph on the display. The lower right-
hand bar of the graph represents the current unit of time: Day/h, Week/day,
Month/M, Year/Y. The top bar of the graph represents the maximum value of the
graph values. The daily graph is displayed by default. You can trip the enclosure lid
three times to switch the current unit of time and the generation information.
The graph shows recent 16 hours of power
generation and the maximum value power of the 16
The graph shows recent 7 days of power generation
and the maximum value power of the 7 values.
The graph shows recent 12 months of power
generation and the maximum value power of the 12
The graph shows recent 16 years of power
generation and the maximum value power of the 16
6.4.3 Text line
The Text line is used for displaying an event. Include the information of setting
language, models, communication address, and time. The “Power Rate” and “Power
Factor” are take turn to display by default. You need input“123” before enter into
the setting interface
You can operate the inputting “123”
1) Single knock the enclosure lid until the text line switch to the text as follow:
2) Double knock, the text will show “input123
3) Double knock the enclosure lid ready to input password. Single knock to change
value of first, double knock enter into next position.
4) Knock the enclosure lid three times to enter into setting interface.
Input 123: 123
Input 123: 000
Set language