2. Slightly loosen the swivel nut, remove the filler-plug from the M16 cable gland.
Make the cable through the hole of cable gland and put the cable into the RS485
terminals, fix all cables with screwdriver ('1'to'1', '3'to'3', '2' to the shielding
l a y e r o r n o c o n n e c t i o n . ) . T h e t y p e o f c a b l e i s r e c o m m e n d e d a s
Pull cables outwards to confirm whether they are installed firmly
4. Plug in two terminals. Cover the fix board.
Tighten 4 pcs screws first, then tighten cable gland.
5. Tighten 4pcs screws and cable gland.
1) As to the connection between inverters, please refer to the following figure.
As to the connection between inverter and ShineWebBox (ShinePano), please