6.2 Reactive Power Control
There are 4 power factor levels, 0.99, 0.98, 0.97, and 0.95. The connection between
ripple control receiver and Shine WebBox is shown as below.
The output reactive power of inverter depends on the operating relay. The detail
information is shown as below. Pin 11 is connected to 3.3V dc source.
Pin Status Explanation
9 0.99 PF When the relay corresponding to pin 9 actions,
the power factor of the output power is 0.99
7 0.98 PF When the relay corresponding to pin 9 actions,
the power factor of the output power is 0.98
5 0.97 PF When the relay corresponding to pin 7 actions,
the power factor of the output power is 0.97
3 0.95 PF When the relay corresponding to pin 9 actions,
the power factor of the output power is 0.95