Mini-X Installation, Setup & User Manual GRT Avionics
Revision A9 67
2. Fly toward the airport in HDG mode if you are following ATC vectors or if you are not approaching
the desired runway at a natural intercept angle. The autopilot will perform a simple turn onto the
SAP when it captures the final approach course. This can result in an abrupt course reversal if
care is not taken to make a smooth intercept angle of 45 degrees or less onto the final approach
3. From the HOME or PFD screen, press the right knob to activate the autopilot and approach
4. Press the SAP softkey to highlight ARM, then press EXIT. A list of available runways appears on
the bottom of the screen in the order in which they are favored by the winds aloft as calculated
by the EFIS. Yellow runways have a predicted 10+mph tail wind.
Traffic and actual
winds on the surface may require the use of a runway other than the one favored by EFIS calculations.
5. Turn the left knob to highlight the desired runway in a white outline box, then press the knob to
select it. Notice the black
appears as the pending lateral and vertical autopilot guidance,
shown at right. In this example, we are set up to capture both the lateral and vertical components
of the the SAP for Runway 08.
6. After the runway is chosen, a reminder appears to check the altimeter
baro setting, and the yellow EXECUTE softkey appears on the bottom of
the screen. Press EXECUTE when you are ready to allow the autopilot to
capture the approach and begin descent to the airport. You can also
just hand fly the approach using the HITS boxes as a guide.
7. After the yellow EXECUTE softkey is pressed, the autopilot will
automatically capture the lateral and vertical guidance of the SAP when
it is within intercept range. Operate the throttle and trim as necessary
on approach, and disengage the autopilot when ready to land.
8. If a missed approach is necessary, apply power as required and press the MISSED softkey to
command the autopilot to fly runway heading and climb to the missed approach altitude preset.
SAP capture is pending
SAP is captured