PNEG-1020 Bin Sweep Auger
8.1 Normal Shutdown
1. Before shutting down the unit, be sure the hoppers and augers are empty.
2. Disconnect and lockout the power source before leaving the work area.
8.2 Emergency Shutdown
1. Know how to shutdown the auger in case of an emergency.
2. Do not restart the auger while it is under load.
NEVER start the equipment under load. Doing so may cause damage. This type of damage is
considered a misuse of the equipment. Any misuse of the equipment may void the warranty.
3. Close the bin well control gates.
4. Reconnect and unlock the power source.
5. Clear the auger gradually, until there is no grain and there are no obstructions.
8.3 Storage Preparation
1. Close all wells to the discharge auger.
2. Be sure the unload tube is empty.
3. Shutdown the auger.
4. Make sure all fasteners are tight.