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PADA 5100
2.4 d
The cassette is a 5 to 1 multiplexer. It converts 5 ASI/SPTS/MPTS input channels
into one ASI/MPTS output channel. Each input transport stream can be fed in
selectively via each one ASI input or the LAN interface (five input IP addresses).
The fed in transport streams can be edited individually and will be combined
into one transport stream in the TPS module.
This transport stream is emitted at the ASI output or the LAN interface (one
output IP address).
Principle signal path:
ASI output
ASI input 5
ASI input 4
ASI input 3
ASI input 2
ASI input 1
LAN 6:
LAN 5:
LAN 4:
LAN 3:
LAN 2:
For operating the cassette in a LAN network it can be assigned its own hardware
IP address.
Two IP address ranges are used:
"Hardware" IP addresses
(menu ETHERNET), which are used to
connect the cassettes in the network
(e.g. 192.168.0.x).
"IPTV" IP addresses
(menus OUT-IP, IP-INPUT), which are used to
send and receive the IPTV channels (multicast range …
e.g. 227.40.50.x
The LEDs for the LAN interface show whether a network connection exists and
whether a data transfer is in progress.
The cassette is controlled with the head-end station control unit.
When the head-end station is switched on, the two-line LC display shows the
software version of the control unit.