In Chapter 2, you will find instructions for connecting all of the hardware inputs and an introduction to
the different menus and functions that are available to you in TerraSIRch mode. TerraSIRch mode allows
you total control over all collection parameters and is the most versatile data collection method, usable for
all GPR applications. If desired, these 2-D profiles can later be transferred to a PC for processing in
GSSI’s RADAN™ post-processing software.
Hardware setup for the SIR 3000 is very simple. We will assume the 400 MHz (Model 5103) antenna for
this example, but the hardware connections are the same for other GSSI antennas, and the cable
connections are clearly marked. Follow the steps below.
Attach the survey handle between the two vertical mounting plates on the top of the antenna with the
two removable pins, adjust the angle for comfort, and connect the marker cable to the antenna at the
MARK port.