Acoustic alarm assign to Relay2
acoustic indication of Relay2 is OFF
close of Relay2 contact starts acoustic
Acoustic alarm deactivation
activated acoustic alarm is possible to
deactivate by pressing „
“ key
acoustic alarm is still activated for all time and
it is impossible to deactivate it
Relay response for error
Regulator continuously checks its state during operation. In case error of assigned value
measurement is found then output Relay1 (Relay2):
stays unchanged
(in previous status)
Relay1 switch OFF
Relay1 switch On
stays unchanged
(in previous status)
Relay2 switch OFF
Relay2 switch On
Change of “Password for setting through keys” (PASS)
This item shows actual password setting. It is possible to
change it after „
“ key pressing. It is number from range -
19999 to +19999
password setting