1. General description
Regulators of Hx3xx line are designed for online monitoring of temperature in °C or °F, relative
humidity of air without aggressive ingredients, barometric pressure and three binary inputs for
detection of binary signals. Measured temperature and relative humidity are recomputed to following
humidity expression: dew point temperature, absolute humidity, specific humidity, mixing ratio and
specific enthalpy. It is possible to set correction for altitude (pressure offset) and to choose one of the
following pressure units: hPa, kPa, mbar, mmHg, inHg, inH2O, PSI, oz/in2.
The device is equipped with two relay outputs for alarming or controlling of external devices. It is
possible to assign any input value to each relay, to set comparing limit, delay, hysteresis, acoustic
alarm or change its status by far control with using of Modbus communication protocol. The device
communicates via link RS232.
Temperature Humidity Pressure Computed value
Binary inputs
AR006683 **/
The removable probe for compressed air measurement is noninterchangeable part of the device.
The protection of connector is IP67
**/ The type AR006683 is designed for two wires connection of external Pt1000 temperature
Supported communication protocols are Modbus RTU and protocol compatible with standard
Advantech-ADAM. Devices are preset from manufacturer to Modbus RTU communication protocol.
If you would like to use different communication protocol then Modbus RTU, it is necessary preset
them – see latter. Temperature, relative humidity and pressure sensors are non-removable instrument
parts except H4431 device, that is designed for two wires connection of external Pt1000 temperature
sensor. Measured and computed values are displayed on dual line LCD. It is also possible to display
both readings with cyclic overwriting in 4 seconds interval. Display can be also switched OFF totally.
2. Regulator mounting and connection
Regulators are designed for wall mounting. Device must be mounted on the plane surface to
prevent its deformation. Mounting holes and connection terminals are accessible after demounting of
four screws in the corners of the box and removing the lid. There is recommended to use screws with
half round head with cross-recessed screw ST 3.9 (DIN 7981).
Devices are supplied with cable (1,5 m) equipped with CANNON 9 connector for connection to
RS232 interface.
Lace the lead-in cables (inputs, outputs, external temperature probe connectable to AR006683)
with outer diameter of 3 to 6.5 mm through the glands at the case wall and connect them
according schematic below. Terminals are self-clamping and can be opened by a suitable
screwdriver. For the opening, insert the screwdriver to smaller terminal hole and lever by him. Do
not forget to tighten glands and case lid with inserted packing after cables connecting.
attached plug into unused cable glands too.
Do NOT connect the regulator under voltage.