Guldmann 08/2016 # 9006
Guldmann 08/2016 # 9006
8 . DK
Når patienten er vendt rundt og ligger på
maven, tages sejlet ud manuelt ved at
trække det ud stykke for stykke, materiale
mod materiale. Undgå friktion mod patients
8 . GB/US
When the patient has been turned over
and is lying prone position, manually
remove the sling by pulling it out piece by
piece, material towards material. Avoid
creating friction against the patient’s skin.
8 . DE
When the patient has been turned over
and is lying prone position, manually
remove the sling by pulling it out piece by
piece, material towards material. Avoid
creating friction against the patient’s skin.
8 . SE
När patienen är vänd och ligger på mage,
ta bort selen manuellt genom att dra den
bit för bit, material mot material. Undvik att
skapa friktion mot patientens hud.
8 . FR
Une fois le patient tourné et allongé, enle-
ver manuellement le harnais en le retirant
pièce par pièce. Evitez de créer tout frotte-
ment contre la peau du patient.
8 . IT
When the patient has been turned over
and is lying prone position, manually
remove the sling by pulling it out piece by
piece, material towards material. Avoid
creating friction against the patient’s skin.
8 . ES
When the patient has been turned over
and is lying prone position, manually
remove the sling by pulling it out piece by
piece, material towards material. Avoid
creating friction against the patient’s skin.
8 . BR
Quando o paciente tiver sido girado e
estiver na posição de bruços, remova
manualmente o suporte, peça por peça.
Evite criar atritos com a pele do paciente.
Prone positioning
Placering liggande på mage
Position allongée
Posizione Prona
Colocación en posición prona
Posicionamento de bruços