Service & maintenance, warning notes und lea-
Service & maintenance
When servicing the unit in regular inter-
valls, always check and clean the GGW /
AGW Glycol protector. Leaves and other
contaminants can compromise the oil
separator´s performance.
The oil separator can be rinsed
via the water drainage. Within the
scope of the maintenance, please press
the green button for the control of the
valve for 10 seconds in order to remove
deposits in the valve and to check the
functioning of the fault signaling device.
If there are any water-polluting sub-
stances in the GGW / AGW Glycol pro-
tector you have to shut down the sys-
tem immediately and inform your refri-
geration and climate expert.
The water-polluting substances are to
be disposed of professionally.
Warning notes
Please note that different detergents dis
solve oil in water. The GGW / AGW glycol
protector must be rinsed with water un-
til no detergent is left in the GGW / AGW
glycol protector if such cleaning has been
Avoid bi-metal corrosion by keeping other
metal parts separate from GGW / AGW
Glycol protector.